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Don’t repeat! The lightning blow is fatal. All acts made the professionals.The lightning near, in addition it is called by you, this is real wonder. You for sure would be interesting to know, how we succeeded caught a lightning? How we cold see the place where lightning strike! What we felt, when we was in immediate proximity to this frightful element? And what happened with our equipment after the thunder-storm? I show all in details in this video.
In the last video I had tied a thin wire to snake and ran it in the rain, but it didn’t work. Now I have further developed this technology and has applied to the wire high voltage from The Soviet TV "Youth". At the anode of tube it uses 10 000 volts! This is enough to cause initial ionization. In the dark, you can even see the glow corona discharge at the tip of the wire, which is attached to the top of the snake. I went out of town on a high hill In stormy weather, with a portable TV "Youth" which I turn on by accumulator. The case of TV I've earthed, and connected the high-voltage terminal to a thin copper wire wound on the bottle. While kite gained altitude, the wire was unwind from a bottle. Meanwhile, I watched the process from a safe location. The kite rise then fell, from what the wire touched the ground and sparked. When was the next gust of wind, kite abruptly jerked up and lightning with a deafening crack bang TV. I didn't expect that from lightning will so strong shock wave, which threw my camera away. The thrill of lightning just indescribable! The sound is like an explosion of an artillery projectile, only stronger and sharper. Flash of lightning - is something wonder! I well scrutinize it, because I saw her a few minutes, especially when blinking eyes. And inner feelings beyond words! We are is not immediately came to ourselves after lightning. I couldn't believe what it possible do-it-yourself! Then, we like as not quite sane ran through the woods, fearing that to such noise can come the military.
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